We wanted to create something different, something uniquely Australian. When we set out to create a whiskey, our drive was not to replicate but to innovate. Rather than study existing styles, we have worked on developing something different, something that reflected Australia, both in its modern form and its tens of thousands of years of history.
It was through this desire to create a product with a uniquely Australian flavour, that we were driven to research and develop a whiskey that didn’t just replicate something that already existed, but carved out its own place in the market.
The feeling of last nights campfire on a damp winter morning. There’s sweet notes of caramel and vanilla, along with dried fruits, such as fig and apricot. A faint whiff of something more bready like freshly baked Christmas cake or pound cake and some obvious spice notes of Cinnamon, ginger and vanilla
Chocolate crackle cake. Toasted muesli, with some cooked banana and dried apricot on top. Like sitting in front of the fire on a winters evening on the farm, tucking into some cinnamon biscuits with wattleseed.
It’s Christmas night and you’ve had more than your fill of Christmas cake for dessert. A lingering spicey finish, with a spike of sweet caramel and vanilla right at the end. Something familiar that just warms the soul.